Thursday, November 21, 2019

10 Career Quizzes to Help You Find a New Job for the New Year

10 Career Quizzes to Help You Find a New Job for the New Year 10 Career Quizzes to Help You Find a New Job for the New Year You’ve got big job questions - and these 10 career quizzes and personality tests have the answers. From figuring out what job you’re best suited for to whether you’re a natural-born leader, these quizzes will help you find the perfect new job or career in the new year. This quiz, created by Glassdoor, is all about helping you find a job that works for you. While many quizzes are designed to suss out whether you’d fit a certain job, this quiz is meant to help you see how well a job would fit into your life by looking at what you do and how you spend your time outside the office. If you’re looking for a career change , this quiz is for you. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator quiz is one of the most respected and used personality tests by both career centers and hiring managers- and there’s a reason! This test (or quiz, if you will) helps define how people see and perceive the world, using four psychological functions, including sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking- four things that can really help you determine what career field and specifically, what job, fit your personality best. Nowadays, it’s not always enough to have a stellar resume and cover letter. To snag your dream job, it’s sometimes also necessary to have a personal brand . But how do you define and exhibit your personal brand best? That’s what this quiz, developed by Glassdoor, was designed to do. It will help you hone your brand- and use it to get a new job or career. Are you considering taking a step up the corporate ladder in your next job? Then this quiz is for you. Designed by Glassdoor, it will help you figure out how ready you are to lead and manage a team or even an office. As it points out, “while being a natural isn’t required to be a good leader, it’s important to know how your competencies line up if being a role model and guide … is your goal.” This quiz will show you where you stand now- and how to grow. According to its website, “the O-Net Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work,” making it a great quiz to take if you’re just starting out in the workforce- or if you’re trying to change your career path. If you’re not happy at work , is it automatically time to find another job? Maybe- or maybe not, and this quiz will help you figure out if you should change things up at your office or change jobs- or careers- entirely. The quiz, created by Glassdoor, looks at many things that could be making you unhappy at work, “from company culture to lack of advancement opportunities to uninspiring management. … No matter what your situation, [it] will help you begin to figure out whether you’re in the wrong job and need to plan an escape, ASAP.” According to its website, “the MAPP (Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential) career assessment is perfect for students, graduates and working adults. You’ll get a wealth of information to help find the right career that matches your unique assessment profile.” When you’re ready to find a new job, it will inevitably be time to update your resume. But what kind of resume is right for you ? This quiz, made by Glassdoor, will help you answer that question- then write a resume that fits your personality and brand best, and get a job. This quiz is a free, psychological assessment to help you “discover how you measure up in the five factors of personality: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.” Knowing these measurements will help you find a job that fits your strongest personality traits- or avoid jobs that won’t align with who you are as a person. Would you move for the right job ? If so, then where would you move? That’s a big question to answer- but this quiz can help you narrow down the right region for you. After you answer a few questions about your lifestyle, professional interests, and preferences, this quiz- created by Glassdoor- will tell you the perfect city for you to find your next position.

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